Help bring Cole home!

I have been so blessed by this precious mama's blog (Stefanie) Her family's story is so beautiful! A couple of days ago she shared about her sweet sister (Andrea) and family. PLEASE go and read it, you will be blessed beyond measure at what our Lord has done and is doing.
Stefanie is holding a raffle to help raise the final funds needed so Andrea & Bob can bring their miracle son home. Below are the items being raffled. Please go check out her blog and 'chip-in' if you can! Hugs!!
12 hairbows
UPDATE: 2 More items have been donated to the raffle! I'm having so much fun watching the 'chip-in' number climb...God is so awesome!!!!

16 X 24 inch canvas print using a photo of the winner's choice
So glad to see others posting about this amazing opportunity to help out a deserving family! How about that total? GO GOD!
Your sweet "little" family is adorable!
Cole's new family's story is wonderful and I hope Stephanie's blog is able to raise a lot of money for them.
However, I LOVE YOUR BOWS!!! Do you sell them? If so, where?
I just read your story of C's adoption on your other blog -- wow, what an amazing story. I had no idea such things could be done.
Our DD#2 is also a VSD baby, so this hits so close to home for us, it's amazing. So, did you travel in June of this year to bring C. home? We were in China from June 20 - July 2 to bring home our sweet Ella. Is it possible we were there at the same time?
Thank you for the sweet post on my blog! I just may take you up on that offer. When we adopted from China, we knew many people to "help" us along the way. This time around we know no one. I guess you could call us "domestic newbies". If you ever want to e-mail me and share more of your story, I would love to hear it. How you came to adoption, both domestic & international. What it was like meeting the birthmoms for the first time. What the wait was like from birth to placement, etc. You have a gorgeous family! I hope I too will be so lucky! I DO KNOW God has a plan for us, and I am trusting Him. It has not been easy, and I have cried many tears and asked Him why. I am just now beginning to see the bigger picture.
Thaks again for the support, it does mean more than you know!
Hugs- Jill
Cute bows BTW!
That's awesome and what a great idea. Love the hairbows you made too my friend. Just a quick note, that the camera photo is actually of the Canon XSI. It is a little newer model than the XTI. The only reason I know is because I have the same one. Thanks for blogging about this and I need to get over there. :)
Hugs, ♥
Stacy, you are so sweet!! Thank you so much for your support :) And for donating those gorgeous hand-made bows, they are wonderful!!
Hugs to you and your beautiful family!
Hey Girl!
I just noticed this.
Mary Elizabeth is from Kunming!
Very Cool!
She is 3. Turned in August!
We adopted her from the CWI in Feb 06. She was never in
Im excited.
Oh! I forgot. Stacy and I spent 2 days at the CWI. I held every baby in the 0-6 months room.
If your baby was there...I held her!
How sweet is that?!
Thanks so much for your offer to donate some bows to our adoption to bring Rachel home. Could you please email me.
Ps I love your blog!
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