We realized a couple of nights ago that we had a possum in our attic & were going to call the pest control today. Last night I was praying specifically that the stupid thing would just go away. WELL, my darling hubby woke me up this morning and ushered me down our hallway (as he shut all the doors btw) and into the living room. He then told me that there was a possum stuck, YES STUCK, in our furnace closet in the hallway.
We put up 2 gates so that the stupid thing would go out the front door. WELL, that's not exactly what happened. The possum eventually wiggled out of the closet (above picture) but do you think he would be drawn to the light of day....NOOOOOO...he went to the end of the hallway so dh followed it with a broom and shooed it toward the front door. WELL, the gate at the other end of the hallway was off the ground like 4" because of the baseboards and the dumb thing squished UNDER the gate and INTO MY ROOM and UNDER MY BED!!!!!!!!! Baby S saw all of this happening and it was love at first sight. "Awwww mama, he's so cute...I lub him...can I hold the skunk?" Hehehe, she thought it was a skunk.
Now WHAT do we do??? DH thought it was pretty funny and I on the other hand was not very amused....I had to pee really bad but I was NOT going down that hallway for nothing (sorry, I'm a hard core city girl and that's just plain creepy!)
This was our first attempt to get it out...a trail of fruit leading to the front door. You know what the stupid thing did...it would come out long enough to grab the fruit and go right BACK UNDER the bed!!!!
Our second attempt......a trash can full of fruit....dh put the trash can at a 45' angle and the theory was that it would climb in and get stuck once the trash can was stood up (according to google that is ;)
In the meantime, I called our Pest Control and after much deliberating, they said we'd have to call Animal Control. Ugghh, today is a holiday and everyone is CLOSED! So about 20 mins. went by and believe it or not, IT WORKED!! The silly thing climbed right into the trash can & started pigging out!
At this point the whole house was awake. Here's their conversations..."He's so cute, can we keep him...come on...please can we keep him...mama, I want to hold him." Needless to say, he went for a very long ride, far away and let go safely with the rest of his fruit.