Our Packing List Checked 1 large duffle bag & carried on 1 backpack on the way to China
Checked 2 duffle bags & carried on 2 backpacks the way home
(Traveled Beijing, Kunming, Guangzhou ~ July 3-17, 2007)
Baby Medicines (strips if possible)I took ALL medicines out of their original box, cut out the back of the box w/ the directions & used a rubberband to hold the directions & medicine together. This saved a TON of space!!!!!
*Even though we didn’t use most medications, I’d take again
(prescription f/ dr…do not constitute)
(used for teething)
Benedryl ~baby
(for plane) (used)
Electrolyte powder
(diaper cream)
Gas drops
Hydrocortisone cream
Saline drops/aspirator
Teething tablets
Adult medicines (pill form)
*Eventhough we didn’t use most medications, I’d take again
2-Bonine (motion sickness)
Melatonin (natural sleep med)
(used first night)
antibiotics (prescription f/ dr.)
(used 2x)
Tylenol head congestion (day & night)
Dayquil and Nyquil
Robitussin cough
Pepto bismo
(Stacy used almost daily, just in case)
1pkg. throat drops
Baby (our daughter turned 14months while we were in China)wash clothes (disposable w/soap)
(used-a must)
(didn’t need would take again)
2 spoons
2 wipe-off bibs
Good Start formula (1sm. can)
(used – definitely bring to take on gotcha day)
2 bottles w/ 4 tri-cut nipples
bottle liners(bags not drop-in..to save on space)
1 sippy cup
2 bowl (disposable ones..can re-use)
(used 1)
1 gerber snacks
(used - only need 1)
2 small toys (stacking balls, teether/rattle)
(used, bought 3 more cheap toys there and left behind)
6 outfits
(used – wished I packed 2 more – Kunming didn’t have many baby clothes)
2 pj’s
(didn’t use – too hot, slept in onsies)Bathing suit
(didn’t use – no time to swim)
4 socks
(used, would pack 2 more)
2 onsies
(used as pj’s, would pack 2 more)
1 sweater-white
(used, would pack 2 more for Kunming, Kunming was cool…didn’t need in Guangzhou)
1 brim-hat
(used once)
1 USA outfits (flight home)
small USA flag (LAX)
Hair bows/sm. rubberbands
15 Diapers
(used 10, bought rest in china)
Wipes (took one travel pack of 40)
(used bought more in china)
2 burp clothes
1 blanket
(used, pack 2 more small ones)
small diaper bag/purse
(used – purse)Mei Tai carrier & hotsling
(used both) jar baby prunes
(didn’t use but would take again)
Small scissors
Nail clippers/file
comb (stacy)
mouse, serum (stacy)
hair rubberbands, bobby pins, hair wraps, claws
(didn’t need hotels supplied)
2 travel toothbrush
(didn’t need hotels supplied)
Deodorant (P&S)
(used...must use :)
glasses (s & p..extra pair)
cotton balls/cotton swabs
(didn’t need hotels supplied)
Mary kay cleansers
fem. supplies
body wash – cloth’s
(didn’t need hotels supplied)
2 disp. Shavers
(didn’t need hotels supplied)
Paul shaver/charger
5 travel size Kleenex
(used only 2)
2 travel t/t
(didn’t need)
3sm. hand sanitizer
(used 1)
2oz. hand soap
(didn’t need)
Travel sunscreen
(used once)
small First aid kit
(didn’t need, would take)
laundry detergent (travel size)
bounce sheets…to freshen our stinky clothes J
1 kitchen size plastic bag (soiled laundry)
2 money belts
(didn’t use)
2 neck passport holders
travel alarm
(didn’t need, hotel has)
small calculator
(used ALOT)
1 tsa lock
(didn’t use, used velco strips instead)
bible (travel size)
1 roll duct tape (re-rolled to save space)
(didn’t need)
Lg. and sm. Baggies (for diapers, soiled clothes)
2 neck pillows (blow-up)
(used 1, didn’t really need)
(used but hotel provided)
Kwikpoint card (translator)
(used a couple of times)
Digital camera (small and large)
(used both)
(used...make sure you remember the battery on gotcha day!!! ugghhh)
video of kids
1collapsable duffle-bags
(used for souvenirs)
Extra backpack
(used for flight home)
1collapsable shopping bag
(didn’t use)
Money conversion chart
(used the first day)
1 scotch tape
(didn’t need)
4 pens
(used 2)
sm. notepad
(didn’t need, hotel has paper)luggage strap
(used 2)
(didn’t use)oatmeal packs
(didn’t use)dried fruit
(used)8-Officials gifts (red bags/tissue paper)
(used)Adult clothing (Used everything, PERFECT amounts)
4 socks
4 undies
extra bra
hat (paul)
2-3shorts (lightweight)
3shirts (lightweight)
1 sweater (lightweight)
(didn’t need)
Shoes (wear on plane) (packed 1 sandal, 1 tennis shoes)
Bathing suits
(didn’t use)
Carry-On (list of items to pack-already listed above)
(very glad to have in carry-on)
Benedryl ~baby (for plane)
1-Bonine (for motion sickness)
Pepto bismo
1 wipes (travel)
2 kleenex
1 hand sanitizer
Dried fruit, gum
2 neck pillows (blow-up)
Kwikpoint card (translator)
Digital camera (small and large)
Folder w/ paperwork
1adult outfit each (shirt and undergarment)
small calculator
travel sunscreen
Important Documents (glad to have all below)
1) Adoption papers- Travel Approval with 5 copies, 5 passport copies, 2 passport size photos (for
adoption registration), Affidavit of Adoptive Parents (notarized), & Brown Envelope
2) Passports
3) Drivers license – make copies to take with you
4) Credit cards – Amex & Visa
5) Airplane tickets
6) Health insurance cards
7) Emergency phone number. – one cell phone
8) Cash-$600 (10-$50’s; 6-$20’s; 12-$5’s; 40-$1’s)
9) Amex traveler’s checks--$1500
10) $1000 orphanage gift-for purchases ($100’s)
“Important numbers” A single sheet of paper that had phone numbers for:
Embassy and Consulates in Beijing, Kunming and Guangzhou
Travel Agency
Adoption Agency
Senator’s office
All traveler’s credit card numbers and phone numbers to call if lost
Addresses and phone numbers of all hotels
Social worker
~I used 2 large, packmate like bags...you know the one's you can squish the air out of (I got ours at Target...cheap and worked beautifully). I packed all of the baby's clothes in lg. ziplocks. Really, honestly ask yourself...'Can I live without this for 2 weeks'...you'd be surprised how much you can leave behind. You can pretty much get anything you desperately need in China (except medicines and probably adult clothing). Choose re-usable over convenient disposable things.