A very precious mom of many is doing a crazy cool thing to help spread awareness of fundraisers for families adopting. Linny has the most amazing heart for the orphan...hop on over to her blog "A Place called Simplicity" and check out her crazy love and enjoy learning all about this godly family!!
We are honored to be part of her CRAZY LOVE CHALLENGE!
As a family, we are thoroughly enjoying crafting our amazing Solomon Beads! We are selling these gorgeous necklaces, bracelets, & earrings as a FUNDRAISER to help bring Solomon home. Each product is HANDMADE by Solomon's family!! EACH bead is cut, hand-rolled, lacquered, & strung with lots of love while we dream of the day our sweet brother will be home! YES, WE ARE MAKING EACH BEAD OURSELVES...from beginning to end!!!!!!!!!! :)
The stories that being told from those who have already purchased our beads are so crazy awesome! Stories of families praying for our sweet son whenever they see our beads, stories of people being able to witness to others by sharing about our family and what the Lord is doing, stories of raising awareness about the orphan crisis in our world....sooooo amazing!
Here are a few samples of what we are doing....you can leave me a comment and we can custom make whatever your heart can dream up :)
~16" necklace $16
~18" necklace $20
~38" necklace $25
~to add a pendant to any necklace add $10
~Bracelet $10
~Double Bracelet $20
~to add a charm to any bracelet add $3
~Earrings $7+
I can definitely send more pictures of samples upon request. Blessings!
did you guys make these yourselves?
Love the beads! I found your blog off a mutual friends blog, Lisa Braniff. You and your family are very encouraging. I think I actually have been to your son's village while we lived in China. Blessings to you and your family!!
Your family is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!! Your header picture took my breath away!!!
I absolutely MUST have the bracelet in the photo with the Faith charm, or one similar to it!!
My Emilia's middle name is Faith. And she has been a blessing to our family and SOOOOOOO increased our faith.
How do we do this? My e-mail is on my profile. Can you get in touch?
Hi!!!!!!! I love, love, love these beads!!! Making an order right now!!!!
Be blessed,
i just love love love this - everytime i see someone at chruch with a piece soloman jewlery on I cant help but shoot up a prayer for all that you are doing and for that little man who is waiting for his momma to come get him. I'm so not the jewlery gal but i realized shoot i could give this to my niece for her highschool graduation rather then the normal traditional jewlery one often gets for graduation. i will email you my order.
love ya friend - i love the fondation you are laying for your bubba. xoxoxo
LOVE your beads!!! You've done an amazing job with fundraising so far!! WOW!!! Thanks for visiting my blog. :) It linked me to yours and now I'm just soaking up all the good stuff you have on yours!!!
I would like to order a few pieces - my email is jkgoble@mchsi.com if you would like to email me. I know I would love a bracelet (no charm...or maybe a charm?) and also a necklace...love the one you have on here with the circle charm/pendant. Look forward to hearing from you!
I would really like 2 bracelets... please email me @ musicallipink@gmail.com
I was thinking about matching bracelets for me and my little girl (she was adopted). Thanks!
Your beads are beautiful!!! I have mommy brain. I just realized you were making them. We for sure want a couple or three..just need to decide what colors. Love them! I'm a Premier Jeweler but would still love to have your beautiful beads...and have a tiny part in bringing Solomon home. I will post it soon on my blog,too. :)
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