Things have been crazy busy...I will update you all on that in my next post :)
Last Thursday, we were blessed to hold a fundraising play day at Seascape Kids Fun. The precious owner, Abby, gave all the proceeds from that event to our adoption fund. We had over 60 kids and raised $ cool is that...we also sold $240 in Solomon Beads at this event!
Anyways...our baby S must have been a little bit confused because the second we entered the play area, she started running around and kept saying, "Mama, where's Solomon...where's my bruder...where is he?" Of course, I was instantly in tears. Oh, she was soooo sad that he wasn't there! She wants her "bruder" home soooo bad!
Honestly, how do we ever survive this wait! You'd think by peanut #6 I would have figured out how to wait better than this. The bottom-line is that my sweet, precious boy is waiting for his mama & daddy to come! He doesn't know he's waiting on us but we know he is waiting and every day that goes by...every delay in the process pulls on the deepest parts of my heart. The reality that right NOW my son is on the other side of the world and I can't get to him is so difficult!
Okay...I need to stop or I'll be a sobbing mess. We love you baby boy and can't wait to finally hold you in our arms!! How about a peek at a new picture we just got of him...look at his sweet face!! Praying for favor in China...that they'd process our paperwork super fast :)
I cannot even tell you friend, how much these posts stir things in my heart, so so big time.. meanwhile praying God would do the same stirring in Nicks.... but I and many members of my family (extended as well) daily pray for Solomon and you... as you are only in the flesh waiting to be united as mother in son.... for in your heart... its already done.
btw the song "while Im waiting" by John Waller.. Im sure you've heard but totally has brought me such peace lately, different circumstances.. but same faithful God.. if you haven't heard it, youtube it... its beautiful, and I think of Solomon everytime.
I feel ya sister. I'm there and we dont't even have a precious face to look at yet. Just knowing she is out there is enough to level me. Love you. Praying you through.
would love love love to plan a park day with you.
we definitely should
He is such a doll!
I would love to adopt from China.
I pray he is home soon!
That is so awesome!!!!!!! I am so blessed to see how God is continually providing for your precious family! What a faith booster!
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