Monday, May 30, 2011

She is perfect...

absolutely perfectly created by OUR LORD!!!  No mistake made...she was known by our Maker long before He fashioned her in her mother's womb.  But you know what...most people don't see her that way...they see a little girl who is not complete...I ASSURE you, she is complete...wonderfully and fearfully made!!! PLEASE help spread the word about this precious one!!!

This is beautiful, amazing A Lian. I have been advocating for this sweet one for a while and still she does not have her forever family. I have this tiny video of her and it brings me to tears...tears of joy because there is NO doubt she is a bundle of beautiful joy...tears of longing...longing for her to have a forever family to love her!

Sweet A Lian is almost 3 years old and was born with Down's Syndrome.  Here's a little bit of info. on this little miracle: A Lian is a completely adorable child. She loves to cuddle and give kisses, and though sometimes solemn, her whole face scrunches up in a ready smile and laugh when interacting. She can dance with the music, and cooperates when the caretakers dress her. She eats with a good appetite, can peel the skin off of fruit by herself, and can drink with a straw. Any family would be blessed to have this sweetheart. A Lian is physically healthy. No heart or thyroid issues have been detected. A Lian - Just learned to walk. She seemed to enjoy walking around with the walker that was present. Wide base of support when walking with arms up in a high guard position (typical for newly acquired walking ability). Wide base of support while sitting. Is able to get on both knees and reach and play in that position. Can go into a 1/2 kneeling position, which is an age appropriate transition movement. Will climb up to get a toy. She is curious and likes to explore. Loved lying in the fresh, warm, clean pile of diapers on the floor. Will scribble circles when given a pen/pencil. Loves to interact with the adults and enjoys just being carried around and played with on your lap.

Will you help me find my mommy and daddy? Please email stacy at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful post.Thank you for doing so much for sweet baby girl to get to her family. She deserves the best and that is what I am praying for her. She will bring much joy and love to her family.