Friday, July 30, 2010


Baby S: Mama, can I pweese have sugar in it?
Mom: I don't know....
Baby S: Cause I like's good for me...
Mom: Really, it's good for you?
Baby S: Yes (like duh)...I wub sugar...I need sugar...

Don't tell baby S but I wub sugar and I need it too...LOL!!! Now my behind says otherwise!


Happiness In Numbers said...

She is so sweet (lol)!

Deb said...

She is pure sugary sweetness.
Isabel asks for sugar all the time. She once got her hand in the sugar jug and it's been a request everyday since.

Josh, Candace and Cole said...

Oh my gosh, so cute! My son says the exact same thing. Love when kids use their powers of persuasion on us. ;)