Sunday, April 11, 2010

Do this...

So, a couple of months ago we were taking one of our agency classes for our homestudy and we did this fabulous exercise. Now, we've taken this class before and we've done this same exercise but this was before baby C was home. Let's just say I was very emotional doing it this time...I was relating it to baby C and our sweet Solomon.

Here's what you do:

1st- Make a list of the 10 MOST important things in your life (in any order).
(scroll down to see what you do next)

There has just been a disaster and you LOSE HALF of the things on your list....cross FIVE things off of your list.
~As you are crossing those things off, what are your emotions as you 'lose' those important things?? What are your thoughts...hmmm, okay...I could live without this or that....could I live without this person or that freedom? I mean, who needs clothes anyways?? :)

(scroll down to see what you do next)

OH NO, there has been huge disaster and you have lost EVERYTHING but ONE thing on your list....cross ALL but ONE item off of your list.
~At this point, I am crossing off the most precious things in my husband, my children, my family and I am trying so hard not to completely lose it in the class. I have been hit at my very core realizing/remembering this is what our baby girl lost and this is what our baby boy is about to lose! This wasn't an exercise for her...this was REALITY! This will be my son's reality very soon. This reality is something they will live with for the rest of their lives! It's a necessary reality for them to come home to their forever family but it just devastates my heart!

Our instructor told us then to crumple our paper & throw it away because we have now lost everything. She then carries on with talking about the loss our children experience from the moment they become orphans. Well, my #1 left on my sheet was God and NO ONE can take my God away from me! But you get the point of the exercise.

I don't know about you but I find this exercise very powerful and a fabulous thing to share with your family.


Erica said...

I was already having a rough week and this just sent me over. Realizing our girl is born has pummeled me. Can I re post this? So difficult to work through.

Unknown said...

Of course my girl...I love you! It is indeed difficult to work's necessary, though!!! me!

Ransomed~Redeemed said...

We did this in our foster parenting classes recently and it was so difficult. Thankfully the Lord is able to heal our hurts and make everything beautiful in His time. Great exercise. Alida w5

Happiness In Numbers said...

Sweet Solomon has such an amazing family waiting for him and this was a very eye opening exercise.

Shelly said...

What an emotional exercise and just incredibly hard to even think through let alone go through. I really can't imagine the heart-wrenching suffering our little ones have experienced in all of 3 years. It's devastating, and yet, I know God's plans are not ours and I pray He redeems this time in her life and transforms it into something powerful in her soul like only He can. He is Mighty to save.

Connie J said...

Very powerful, indeed. It gives me perspective for what my 14 year old son is going through right now in his grieving process. I can't even imagine.